Breathe deeply, take a deep breath, relax and let me tell you something about myself.
“I feel good when I help others”
My psychological profile is that of “Helper”, perhaps that is why I wanted to be a nurse; Everything changed when one day, by chance, I saw some beautiful, elegant and slender women in the images broadcast on TV from Paris Fashion Week, open-mouthed and absorbed, I dreamed of being like them.
I finished my studies and began training in Fashion Styling and Design at the same time that, thanks to my tall and slender physical constitution, I made my first progress on the catwalks.
“My professional career has always been linked to the world of image and fashion”
I moved permanently to Barcelona, back in 1989, alone and with a huge suitcase loaded with big dreams, enthusiasm and ambition. I wanted to take on the world!
My long career in fashion allowed me to acquire and develop knowledge in different areas of the sector, becoming what I am a “multidisciplinary” professional who accumulates studies in styling, image consulting, makeup, hairdressing, aesthetics, marketing, public relations, communication and brand image. I have been fortunate to be able to train at the best international schools and with some of the most relevant professionals of the moment and work for the main national and international fashion brands.

“In continuous change”
Life is an inexhaustible source of teaching, I experienced from a distance the cancer process suffered by a very loved immediate family member who had a lot of weight in our small family; feeling the frustration of being far away and not being able to provide solutions, knowing their physical changes, without barely having time to react, they have been a hard learning experience but also a source of motivation. Continuing to look for alternatives so that women can “look good to feel better” at any time, circumstance and situation, is and continues to be a challenge for me. This experience brought me closer to oncoaesthetics and semi-permanent makeup treatments for eyebrows, eyes and lips on which I have focused my training in recent years.
“Nothing more beautiful than making the decision to be yourself”
After my extensive walk in fashion, collaborating as a specialist in several cosmetics companies and spending more than ten years behind the spotlight on different film sets in Barcelona, Madrid and some of the main European capitals, overcoming several personal and professional crises, Having felt the vertigo of the abyss from the most absolute depth and loneliness of being, with the accumulated experience and training, I set out a mission: “To help you feel comfortable with yourself and make you shine like a celebrity walking on the red carpet.” ”. We will work hand in hand, in an intimate and personal way, so that together we can resolve doubts, overcome distrust and insecurity and be able to offer the best version of yourself, using fashion to favor you without tarnishing you, without disguises, without complexes, from acceptance.
“My mantra: acceptance, confidence, confirmation, motivation, attitude and positive thinking”
Dedicating time to ourselves, taking the time to listen to ourselves, getting to know ourselves, helps us reconnect with our essence, our energy, with our being so we can look ourselves in the eyes in the mirror and smile with the tranquility and calm that recognizing yourself gives you. yourself and love yourself from the most sincere and absolute truth.
The journey begins, will you come with me?
My experience with Cancer

On January 31, 2021, during my daily chest massage, I noticed a lump, when I passed over it I felt pain, without hesitation, I went to the office of my gynecologist, Dr. Carballo, who advised me in the first instance and helped me all the flyers to perform all the necessary tests to achieve an accurate diagnosis.
During the time of uncertainty, I remained calm, without alarming my family, even though my intuition and the strong connection I maintain with my body gave me a diagnosis, which only lacked medical confirmation. When the biopsy result arrived, there was no longer any doubt: “Stage 2 hormonal breast cancer.”
It was Dr Julia Rodríguez, a surgeon specialized in breast cancer, who gave me the results and the final diagnosis, in addition to providing me with all the information about the surgery, the treatment options, as well as the different tests that can be performed on the sample extracted to obtain the entire genetic aspect of the tumor and the necessary compelling arguments for choosing the most favorable path for my case.
The tumor was small, he had detected it in time, but he needed to act quickly, in this way he would avoid further damage.
Before receiving all the information, I had already decided not to undergo chemotherapy. Transferring my decision to my family generated great controversy, I felt that my decision was not understood or respected, I felt misunderstood and alone.
The whole process has been like a roller coaster, a volcano of emotions and reactions of your own and others that you cannot detach yourself from or ignore.
I have had to deepen my knowledge of the toxic components used in cosmetics to select the most appropriate creams for my body, face and, of course, for the area treated surgically and with radiotherapy. I read about diet, I made drastic decisions to avoid inflammatory processes that could favor the appearance of new tumor foci. I changed my sports routine and brought meditation back into my life.
I needed psychological support at times and it was a relief to have the experience of the AECC (with whom I have actively collaborated for years) and with the support team for oncology patients at CHUAC, all of these services are completely free and available to all. oncology patients.
During this entire process, my partner was very unempathetic, demanding and demanding attention, it bothered him that I wanted to spend time with my friends, with my family… only when I faced this challenge with professional help, I was able to understand why he behaved like this. and stop blaming me for their excessive reactions. It was very difficult to break the relationship, deciding to separate yourself from someone you love, it is an act of generosity towards yourself with which I have gained emotional peace and that, without a doubt, has a positive effect on recovery from the illness.
This path has been a vital experience that has served to recognize my weakness and strength, my mistakes and successes, to motivate me when looking for the necessary tools to reinforce my self-esteem, my confidence in myself, in my intuition, to love and respect my body, improve eating habits and do sports seeking balance between body and mind.
This process has served as motivation to continue delving into aesthetic micropigmentation and especially paramedical micropigmentation, areola reconstruction, capillary micropigmentation, scar camouflage, to strive to follow a hygienic medical health protocol, because I know that during these treatments, your health , it’s in my hands. My intention and responsibility is to try to help other people, who, like me, may feel alone, disoriented or helpless. If you need me, I’m here for you.
My gratitude forever to my dear little family, my mother and my sister, for loving me and accompanying me in the best way they knew how, to my friends and spiritual teachers Pedro and Daniel, Daniel and Pedro, to my life sister Sara who always, always there, with her, there are no distances; to my friends for supporting me in difficult times, for staying by my side and making the decision to continue accompanying me, to my partner, for being a teacher and having shown me how strong I can be in the greatest moment of weakness of my life and to all the people who knew how to be there, showing me their support and unconditional love, in laughter and in tears.